A white background with a few lines on it


A man with a beard is wearing a white shirt and smiling.

Jason Popiel


(330) 913-1049 office 


An ordinance implementing sections 3735.65 through 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code establishing and describing the boundaries of a community reinvestment area in the Village of Boston Heights, Ohio, designating a housing officer to administer the program and declaring an emergency.

Full version of the ordinance

The Village of Boston Heights contracts with OHM-ADVISORS. They offer many services for Boston Heights; such as Engineering, Inspections, Capital Improvement grants and design preparation, Surveying, Plan Review, Zoning, and much more.

The Village of Boston Heights Zoning Inspector is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Village Council to provide administrative review of all zoning-related activities governed by the Zoning Code. The Zoning Inspector’s main responsibility is to enforce the zoning ordinances of the Village of Boston Heights. The Zoning Code was setup to promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the community. In this role, the Zoning Inspector performs weekly drive-thrus of the Village to review property maintenance issues. The Zoning Inspector reports to the Mayor and the Board of Zoning Appeals.


The Village of Boston Heights requires that all contractors register with the Village of Boston Heights annually (as per Ordinance 2015-2-2) prior to doing any work in the Village. All questions may be addressed to Tammy Collins, Office Administrator, at 330-650-4111 ext. 3.

Contractor Registration Form - 2025

Contractor Registration Form - 2024

Zoning Permit (BLDG)

Zoning Permit (GP)

Zoning Permit (ROW)

Zoning Permit (USE)

Zoning Fee Deposit Schedule

Temporary Sign Permit

Short-Term Rental Permit Application


When a zoning application is submitted to the Village, the following action will be performed by the Zoning Inspector:

     – Determine what zoning district the property referenced by the zoning application is located in

     – Determine if the requested use or building is permitted in that zoning district


An application to build a home in a residential district requires that all building set backs required by the ordinances are shown on the supplied plans and that the property meets the minimum lot size. The zoning application will be approved if the zoning requirements are met.


An application to open a business or build a building in a commercially-zoned property will be referred to the planning commission for their approval before the zoning inspector can approve the application.


This same application will be used by the Zoning Inspector to determine if the request meets the zoning requirements for that district. The Zoning Inspector will deny the application if it does not meet the zoning requirements. The applicant can request a variance if their application is denied and the Zoning Inspector will have the applicant apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals to see if they can receive a variance from a zoning requirement.


The Zoning Inspector will issue a Certificate of Zoning Compliance when all the zoning regulations are complied with.


Complaints by Village residents are received by the Village Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Inspector will investigate the complaint and contact the property owner and request that the violation be corrected. If a violation is not corrected, the Zoning Inspector will contact the Village Solicitor and determine if there is justification to proceed to court in order to resolve the violation. The Zoning Inspector attends all of the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and most Council meetings.

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